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Home / Visas


Russian Visa Types


Business Visa 

Foreigners who come to the Russian Federation to governmental and commercial organizations to participate in negotiations, consulting and etc. as well as for professional development or professional retraining. Foreigners who come into commercial organizations to solve specific business issues (commercial negotiations, conclusion of contracts or renewals, commercial services) as well as to participate in the auctions, exhibitions and other events with a view to profit.

Hired labour

Foreigners who arrive to Russian Federation to carry out their professional activity.

Accompanying Family Members

Accompanied in the trip family member of a foreigner who has a single or multiple working entry visa visa.

Technical services 

Foreigners who arrive for installation, assembly, repair and maintenance of equipment supplied by foreign firms and organizations.


Foreigners who arrived as staff members foreign representative offices of commercial, financial and banking institutions accredited with appropriate Russian organizations.

Tourist Visa

Foreigners who arrived as tourists (with an executed contract for tourist services providing and with a confirmation of the reception of foreign tourist organization conducting tour operator activities).

Private visa

Foreigners who arrive for private purposes of invitation issued by the territorial body Federal Migration Service of Russia based on an application of a citizen the Russian Federation or a foreign citizen who has received a residence permit in the Russian Federation.

Our company services include the following steps:

accreditation of your company at the AFMS in Moscow (of issuing visas on behalf of your company);

- preparation of a full package of documents to submit to the FMS of Moscow for the invitations (visas) or to submit to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation to obtain confirmation (telex);

- multiple-entry visa obtaining;

- delivery of invitations (visa) to the client, or informing the client about the delivery of invitations (visa) to the client, or to inform the client of the confirmation number of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation;

Important moments while proceeding with invitations (visas):

The type of your visa must correspond to the real purpose of the visit. You need to select the best type of visa according to the purpose, the expected number of visits and duration of stay in the Russian Federation. For consultation, please contact the Avanti Consulting specialists;

- Most Russian consulates require the original invitation.

Basic documents to obtain Russian visa at the Consulate are:

passport (should be valid for at least 6 months after the expiry date of the visa ordered);

- a Letter of Invitation (or a tourist voucher or telex number and the host company);

- a consular application;

- photo (3*4);

- There are various restrictions in order to obtain Russian visas for foreign citizens not in the countries of their residence. Please clarify this information at Avanti Consulting;

- Please clarify a full list of documents, visa processing time and a consular beforehand on the site of selected Russian consulate.

Important points while obtaining a visa at the Russian consulate, the entrance to the Russian Federation and further stay in the Russian Federation:

entrance to the RF is allowed no earlier than the start date of the visa validity;

- Verify all information set forth in your visa (surname, first name, start date of the visa and its terms) after its obtaining;

- The complete term of stay in Russia on multiple commercial and business visa should not exceed 90 days within each 180 days;

- Upon arrival to the Russian Federation a foreign citizen must be proceeded with migration registration (registered) within 7 business days (see details here).

Migration Registration

In accordance with Russian Immigration Law a foreigner came to Russia must be proceeded with migration registration within 7 business days. 

A foreign citizen can be registered at the residence address or at the address of a hotel (inviting company). 

A confirmation document of Migration registration is a  blank of “Arrival Notification of Foreign Citizen to the place of Destination” (its detachable part).

Please note that failure to comply the terms of migration registration is a serious violation of the legislation and entails to a  penalty.

On departure from the Russian Federation a foreign citizen gives back the detachable part of Arrival Notification .

The procedure of migration registration of various types of visas is different.

For all issues related to the migration registration, please contact the specialists Avanti Consulting.

Migration Card

In accordance with the Russian Immigration Law foreign citizens are required to have a migration card. This migration card is issued at passport control.

A foreign citizen shall keep an original blank all the time of his stay in Russia and shall be given back on departure from Russia.