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Home / Work Permit

Work Permit

Avanti Consulting Company offers a full range of services related to processing approvals to conduct foreign citizens employment in Russia and for the legalization of the rights to hire foreign nationals by companies - employers.


Our specialists are ready to provide with an integrated support of your paperwork at all stages of processing and in all the authorized state institutions.


The range of services regarding legalization of foreign citizens employment in RF includes:

- Processing of work permits for visa countries citizens;

- Processing of work permits for Commonwealth of Independent States citizens;

- Processing of work permits for foreign citizens of highly qualified specialist  (HQS) category;

- Processing of permits to engage foreign labour (for the company);

- Processing of patents for Commonwealth of Independent States citizens.

- Submission of data on demand for foreign labor force

-Migration registration of foreign citizens.


Beyond that we offer such services as:

 -translation, notarization and legalization of required for work permits processing;

- documents preparation and further implementation of the notification procedure of the State structures for employment / dismissal of foreign citizens and on the implementation obligations on payment wages by an employer;

- further support of foreign citizens and their accompany family members regarding Russian work visas obtaining;

- expert evaluation (audit) of compliance with the requirements of migration legislation by companies-employers ;

- clients consulting support regarding work permits processing and other documents in other regions of Russian Federation;

- Consulting and practical assistance in dealing with any emerging issues of the client during the work permit or any other documents validity period.

Scheme of cooperation with our company in the field of foreign citizens employment legalization in the Russian Federation implies of Avanti Consulting specialists the fullest assistance regarding preparation of required documents, as well as accompanying of a foreign citizen to obtain a ready work permit (if necessary). In our work we are guided by strict observance of Russian legislation in terms of Migration. Unconditional and accurate following of Russian legislation and a long-term practical experience in documents processing issues allow us to solve problems of any degree of complexity.

We regularly monitor all the changes and innovations in the field of labor migration both from the standpoint of legislation as well as from the practical point of view.

We are ready to provide a clarifying on full documentation processing procedures on request.